Thursday, November 12, 2009

Lexi's Card to Angela

This birthday card is made out of colored paper and
it's taped together since she didn't have any glue. I thought it was great card since she didn't have any craft supplies...only office supplies!

I hope you all have finished your Thanksgiving cards by now. I am still in the process of getting mine done...
I just started taking an on-line class to help me use my Bind It All. (I've only had it two years now!!)I basically know how to use it, BUT I somehow always make a wrong punch somewhere! In the first class, I've already had an "eye opening" moment when something "clicked". I can see why I always made the same mistake over and over. It's a 4 week class and hopefully at the end I will have something to show you.
Hope all is well with you...

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